GreenLIGHT technology and the CEMS program

Lo-LIGHT lamps used to develop U.S.C.G.'s CEMS program.

The U.S. Coast Guard's Research and Development Center used low intensity Lo-LIGHT lamps with GreenLIGHT technology for light management in the development of the U.S. Coast Guard's Crew Endurance Management System (CEMS). For several years the U.S. Coast Guard's R & D Center tested the effectiveness of Lo-LIGHT lamps for shifting circadian rhythms in order to align the internal body clock of crew members on the midnight watch with their work schedule. After determining that Lo-LIGHT lamps could be used to effectively regulate circadian rhythms in simulated night shifts in the laboratory, years of testing were conducted on operational Coast Guard cutters and commercial vessels. Based on the successful results of these trials the CEMS program was developed.

The successful use of the GreenLIGHT technology for light management by the U.S.C.G.'s R & D Center on ships is consistent with the findings using Lo-LIGHT lamps to alleviate the problems associated with working the night shift in other industrial workplaces, Read More and by other research groups. See Studies with GreenLIGHT in the workplace

Light management for counteracting night work fatigue in maritime industries

In collaboration with American Waterways Operators, the U.S. Coast Guard developed a Crew Endurance Management System (CEMS) to alleviate night shift fatigue, as well as to improve the health and well being of crew members working on commercial vessels. Trials were conducted on both ocean going vessels as well as on tow boats operating on inland rivers and waterways. Based on the results of these studies, conducted with specially adapted Lo-LIGHT lamps, the U.S. Coast Guard endorsed CEMS for commercial vessels, and attempts have been made to implement the program to increase operational safety and crew health and performance on commercial inland and coastal vessels.

In order to determine how to achieve maximum benefits from the use of GreenLIGHT technology as part of the CEMS program for commercial vessels, we have consulted with several captains on commercial tow boats and the Crew Endurance Team at USCG headquarters.

GreenLIGHT Wheelhouse lamp

Timing for Lo-LIGHT lamps.

Based on these consultations we recommend that pilots be exposed to GreenLIGHT for 20 to 30 minutes in the hour preceding the night watch, in addition to using our specially adapted wheelhouse unit from the start of the night watch until 3 to 4 hours before termination of the watch.

This methodology is based on trials on Coast Guard cutters in which exposure for 20 to 30 minutes before the 00-04 watch effectively suppressed the hormonal expression of sleep physiology of crew working this shift until nearly 4 A.M., while still allowing them to be physiologically prepared to sleep shortly thereafter. As crews on commercial vessels often do not end their watch until later in the morning, it is important that pre-watch exposure be supplemented by periodic exposure until 3 to 4 hours before the end of the night watch. In this way, alertness is maintained throughout the shift, but crew can go to sleep quickly after the watch.

Other Industries: For night shift adaptation in other industries Click Here

Operational use of GreenLIGHT in the CEMS program.

NOTE:We have been informed that although all light management trials conducted in the development of the CEMS program were conducted with low intensity lamps using the GreenLIGHT technology that were provided by Sunnex Biotechnologies CEMS guidelines indicate that one can alternately use white light of moderate intensity, in the order of 1,000 to 2,000 lux. It is our understanding that effect of lamps providing white light of any intensity has never been tested in the CEMS program and that white light of these moderate intensities would be ineffective for improving performance or synchronizing the internal sleep cycle with a night work schedule. The GreenLIGHT technology has been found to be the most efficient and effective light management technology in several independent studies at military research facilities and major universities. Read More

GreenLIGHT lamps on the Viking Avant

We strongly recommend that wheelhouse units be installed only by authorized installers to ensure that the wheelhouse units are positioned a manner that will be effective and comfortable to the user. An authorized installer will also determine the optimal size and placement of fixtures to be used in the locker room, mess, bedroom or other areas which may be used for pre-watch exposure.

When installing a GreenLIGHT lamp in the wheelhouse unit, we suggest an on/off switch be placed in a convenient place on the control panel for boat drivers pilots so that the unit can quickly be turned off if required for operational safety, and then easily be turned on again when circumstances permit.
To see a product list of GreenLIGHT fixtures Click Here

Supplementary GLS Eyewear in the GreenLIGHT System

The GreenLIGHT System can improve nighttime performance due to its effect on the internal body clock. Sunlight counteracts the ability of appropriate light exposure at night to align the body clock with the work shift. In order to maintain the benefit of the nighttime exposure to GreenLIGHT, exposure to sunlight must be minimized. Sunnex Biotechnologies has specialized sunglasses for users who run the risk of exposure to sunlight. This specialized eyewear permits users to carry on normal daytime activities and still maintain the benefits of nighttime GreenLIGHT exposure. The unique GLS eyewear blocks the opposing effect of sunlight while allowing normal activity.
To see a list of GreenLIGHT products Click Here

GLS eyewear