How To Use the Lo-LIGHT Phototherapy Lamp

Where to place your Lo-LIGHT.

All models of the Lo-LIGHT can be used about 12" to 18" from the user. The distance from the lamp for the Tower models can be extended for most people to a distance of 24 to 30 inches and still provide the full effect. We suggest room lighting should be dimmed, but the Lo-LIGHT is designed to be used while using a computer, while watching television, or while reading. It is not necessary to look directly at the lamp, but the light from the lamp should be directed towards the face, as the light must enter the eye in order to stimulate the pathway from the eye to the brain.

When to use your Lo-LIGHT.

The timing and duration of light therapy with a Lo-LIGHT lamp is the same as for a bright light (10,000 lux) lamp. For most people light therapy is most effective in the morning, as near to awakening as reasonable. The usual time of use for most people is around 30 minutes per day. More detailed instructions on timing are enclosed with the unit, but optimal timing can vary from one person to another. Please contact us for individualized recommendations.

The timing when light therapy is most effective can vary with the individual. While most people respond best to morning treatment, others respond better to evening light exposure. Evening responders are often larks, people who naturally get up early in the morning. Most people with SAD (Winter Depression) are owls and have difficulty getting out of bed in the morning. For these people morning exposure usually works best.

While we are happy to provide customers with suggestions about timing, optimal times for the use of light therapy can vary from person to person and ideally should be established in consultation with a therapist.

While we are happy to provide customers with general suggestions about timing, optimal times for the use of light therapy can vary from person to person and ideally should be established in consultation with a therapist.